How To Correct The Point of Your Salary Level On Your Payslip Which Fails To Move Upwards

The point of your salary level on your payslip - has it been moved to the next point. This takes effect every year in september or in the month you were last promoted or upgraded. Example point 1 moves to point 2,  point 2 moves to point 3 in that order etc if not contact your IPPD or controller for assistance/correction.
Check your payslip and make sure the point on your salary level matches the number of years you have been on your present rank/grade.
Without your point moving upwards you will be stagnant on the same salary of your grade for so many years unless government increases salaries you won't receive any increment of salary for years.
It is of wonder how controller fails to move the point upwards for some workers.
Apart from contacting your IPPD for assistance you can alternatively login into your payslip online and make a report for it to be corrected or use the eSPV
Some middlemen are charging Ghc200+ for it to be corrected for some people. Be careful about the kind of people you contact for your point to be corrected. Make sure you are not duped or fall victim to fraud.
Below are the steps to follow for it to be corrected.
How to correct the Point of your salary level using the Epayslip
Teachers and other Government workers who are on the payroll of the Controller and Accountant General’s Department and have the points of their salary level not moved to the next point should follow the following directives.
1. Login into your epayslip account at www . gogpayslip .com
2. Click on Feedback/Tickets
3. Click on +New Ticket (blue tab) to open a Feedback, Suggestion Or Complain Page
4. Select a subject from the drop down menu box labelled Select Subject
5. Under subject select Underpayment of Salaries or select Wrong Grade Step
6. Enter the details about your present point, the number of years you have been on that point and mention the current point you are supposed to be on or to be moved to into a box that reads Enter comments, suggestions or complains.
7. Make sure to include the following details: Your full name, staff ID, and the current point you want to be moved to.
8. After entering your complaint click on send ticket.
Note: If you did not receive any feedback within one month do follow ups by going to controller Or your IPPD at your district for assistance.
Alternatively - correcting your points using the Salary Payment Voucher (SPV) by the validator visiting www. gogspv. com
Alternatively you can contact the Validator of your SPV and tell him or her to validate you as a person with issues next time validation window is opened; and in the comment section the validator should select salary underpayment and make the complaint of your wrong point issue.

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  1. In how many years does the point move? Or does it move every year?

  2. Very educative one.
    Thanks and God bless.

  3. Does if you have been in teaching for 10 years,your point has to be point 10?

  4. Wow this was what i was looking for

  5. Please I had my promotion in 2017 and my point doesn't still correlate with my salary.
    Thank you

  6. I have been a JHS head since 2012.l was promoted to AD l in 2014.What should be my correct grade step?

  7. I have been a JHS head since 2012.I was promoted to AD I in 2014.What should be my correct grade point?

  8. Please am having problems with reactivation of salary, please anyone who can assist me should please call me on 0249119199.Thank you

  9. I've completed my degree course in 2014and was put on PS salary scale in 2017 . What point am I supposed to be on please?

  10. Please my point was supposed to move to point 2 but it wasn't what should I do ?
