GES-SIC is going ballistic with their compulsory group insurance deductions - Full Story>>
Hell no. GES and SIC are really on a money craze adventure with this their do-it-at-cost compulsory insurance program.
SIC-GES is the next NAM1 in disguise rebranded in the form of group insurance. I wonder if the government will offer to put ministers, MPs or government appointees on a compulsory insurance program.
Teachers are just condemned to the lowest status of prestige and social power and considered voiceless and less represented in opinion by government. Government decides any how to play teachers dumb and in-diligently by trumping on their right to decision and choice to sign up for policies that is in disinterest to them(the teacher)
The GES-SIC insurance brouhaha is an issue for debate and mass concern for teachers.
Some teachers who opt out of the program by filling and submitting forms were still deducted. Hell no. SIC-GES need to retune their mindset about using teachers to gain money they did not sweat for. Let’s speak up against this policy. Arise teachers!